A Catholic Home for Expectant Mothers
Please use the green button at the bottom of the page to contribute! Thanks! 30K in 30 Days
Thank you for your interest in this event! Free registration and the sponsorship opportunities are both available via the green buttons below. Mary’s Mantle would like to thank our Platinum Sponsor: Thomas and Carol Cracchiolo Foundation Sponsorship Levels flyer Register Sponsor
Despite not being able to hold the annual True Beauty Breakfast once again this Spring, we are thrilled to announce a virtual event – An Evening of True Beauty – being hosted on Wednesday May 5. We are excited to announce that Bonnie Engstrom, author of 61 Minutes to a Miracle: Fulton Sheen and a… Read More »
Mary's Mantle is looking for 1,000 donations of $30 each during the month of September to support our ministry. Will you help us? Simply click on the green button below or mail a check to P.O. Box 115, Bloomfield Hills MI 48083 30K in 30 Days