Our relationships here often help us grow closer to eternity…

Who has touched your life deeply? You can honor someone who has helped you grow closer to Christ by supporting a mom in need at Mary’s Mantle.
Every month, a Mass at the Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament will be said for the persons who are honored in this way.
Suggested items your donation could support:
- $5 provides one meal
- $10 gives bus fare to work or school
- $20 purchases formula for a week
- $25 supports all the little things our littlest ones need
- $50 spiritually adopts a resident, including a Bible, prayer book, and rosary
- $75 fills the gas tanks of the MM vehicles
- $100 pays for a week of groceries at the house
- $250 can pay a major portion of the month’s utilities
- $500 fully sponsors one week of the After Care program
If you’re donating for a specific purpose, please indicate that in the comments section. If the amount donated exceeds the expenses of a particular category, remaining funds will go to the area of greatest need.